
To solve the resonance noise the best opcom op com car audio tuning method

Bass on the body  opcom op com  except for the ear, also can let the body and produce a kind of resonance. No matter is the head, bones or skin, or even oral. Teeth. Each part of body will be due to low frequency and produce a kind of resonance. This resonance makes people feel very comfortable, this resonance to release the pressure ...
Do not remember how many times have talked about a topic, but still have quite partial person in common with my contact or to ask the " word " actually has the congenital golden ears is certainly feel just like a fish in water, but mainly to long-term practice listening, today according to Beijing digital industry requirements again, over five years ago in the magazine talked about " old ", a person for more than ten years experience summarized as follows for your reference ..1. ( but with an equalizer, the equalizer to about 75% of the volume of the volume .)
2 setting amp installation completed first will host . Amplifier volume are kept small to " 0 ". The amplifier frequency point and other functions:
A. sound field amplifier crossover switch set in high ( HIGH PASS or HP ):
Crossover switch between 80HZ-120HZ opcom op com ( usually first mention 90HZ as reference )
B. sound field amplifier is set in high ( HIGH PASS or HP ): ( if no sound field configuration is omitted )
Crossover switch is set at 200HZ - 400HZ
C. subwoofer amplifier frequency divider switches are set in the low pass ( LOWPASS or LP )
Crossover switch in 80HZ - 120HZ ( super bass amplifier as the front amplifier, crossover to a combination of consistent, if the offensive power is more than 90HZ, subwoofer amplifier must be less than 90HZ. Cannot have a 90HZ following 120HZ above, debugging, or back to the omission of certain audio voice, causing poor audio link )
D. All amplifier bass frequency enhancer ( EQ BASS ) return to zero or close ( OFF )
3 complete the above a predetermined action, into a vocal consisting mainly of disc to play, then the host volume from opcom op com zero to 80% - 90% ( e.g. ALPINE total volume for 35, 90% for 31, other brand is so calculated, over and above the sound volume, the host will probably output distortion signal to the amplifier input signal, causing excessive damage the horn or subwoofer monomer! )
4 now, don't back or front super bass loudspeaker has no sound!
(for some equipment collocation will produce bigger smaller gain effect, so it can be in any one of the power amplifier installation, even if the volume is zero but the host volume to 80% - 90% things will produce ranging from the size of the volume )
First put forward the volume switch power amplifier is increased gradually, until the front horn sound distortion sound so far, then the amplifier volume knob back view about half a clock dial ( such as the hour hand of the clock dial ), more action is to let up debugging main speakers sound field, in the main machine of the largest volume of output signal, also let power amplifier in the absence of distortion to produce lexia 3 diagnostic tool the largest output power, also let the front horn without distortion condition produced the greatest volume without cracking voice, rendering, and even burn the voice coil and malfunctions!
The volume of sound field debugging set properly, will host transferred back to normal listening volume, proceed to the next step and subwoofer convergence adjustment.
Super bass amplifier volume switch are increased gradually, until with the sound field sound the appropriate combination of make super bass playing in the instrument panel or dashboard of Frontier! If not always make super bass playing on the front panel, try super bass loudspeaker line inversion ( positive and negative line upside down ), perhaps can be improved when. When ultra low volume is too small can not reach the instrument board, too large to advancement in the trunk ring!
Finally, if there is a sound amplifier set, the sound field amplifier volume increase to recoil passengers can clearly hear, while seated passengers hear back sound so far, in order not to sound too big to influence of backcourt attack sound quality and sound field effect ( remember! In a formal tournament before sitting judge if heard sound field sound will be the soundstage depth project points)

