
Discuss car audio modification 20 elements obd2 center

Sound the first to: quality

Timbre is refers to the voice quality, obd2 center many people put it and "tone" confusion. What is called a voice quality? When you say a pair of shoes quality good. Do you refer to must be fit, comfortable, durable, and does not mean it made form not good-looking, Mao every now and then. Similarly, when you say a sound equipment quality good and bad, you also not in said it level how to, positioning as can be, but shows the equipment "be able to bear or endure not resistant to listen to!" As resistance to don't wear well, close as don't fit me. A sound quality very good equipment, its performance abroad is comfortable, resistant to listen to. You don't have to discuss it sounds comfortable, resistant to listen to reason, that is the experts, if you use your ears to judge will do. Some equipment can strong, amazing speed, analytic force is strong, but not durable listen to, that may be the problem of sound quality. A good stereo equipment, its quality obd2 center  should be like a good voice, let a person the listen to not greasy.

Perhaps I said so you still think very abstract. Actually otherwise, I can again raise real column to illustrate. When you mention cloth, you will say, the material quality is very good. When you are eating steak, you will say: this cow row of meat quality is very good. When you praise a child, will say: the child's qualification is very good. So, when you hear a sound equipment or a musical instrument, you also will say: its sound quality is very beautiful. From the above these examples, you can clearly know "mass" is inherent nature. Quality high, very good, very beautiful represents the nature of this equipment is very good, it lets people sounds very comfortable. I can say quality audio equipment is the most important part of, so I put it in the first.

Sound the second to: tone
Tone refers to the color of the voice.obd2 center   In English, the sound QUALITY (TONE QUALITY) and TIMBRE (TIMBRE or TONE COLOR) a look and then know its referred to is not the same thing. But in Chinese, the sound and tone are often mix, misuse. We often hear: the violin tone really cold, the violin tone really warm, said method, this means the violin in tone. Sound like light, is a color, but it is not your eyes see, but as a ears to hear. Usually, the warm tone voice is soft; The cold voice tone more hard. Too soft or too hard of course is not very good. Sometimes, tone can also use "noble", "beauty" of the word to describe, basically it is also one of the nature. But, like cloth is general, fabric refers to its material, fabric color but refers to the color of it, meanwhile there are still significant line. In the audio equipment review, tone as color general, it is to point to it unique color. Some equipment tone yellow, some partial white, some partial lexia 3 cold, and even you can say it is bring sorrow overseas blue. In short, audio equipment such as instrument general, almost from the more your tone is the fact. A $two million violin its tone may beauty has the golden luster; And a five thousand sets currency violin its tone may like faded pictures. Although each person view each different, however, "beauty" still has a recognized that "consensus", you can't say a upturned nose are "beautiful incarnation"; The same you can not say a cold blue tone of the equipment is beauty. This is our consensus to tone beauty.

