
Honda Ma Familia approach in mind Episode

Previously adjourned to the end of the last episode of "Honda Ma Familia approach in mind the second episode," I left two questions, one hand in finishing the gearbox and engine when measuring frame impossible downtime, thatframe aspect in do? Do not know if you have not guessed, the answer is the production of the body, that is, the appearance of. When we look at the car, do not know have not paid attention to racing air force packages tend to have a very exaggerated throwing wide, in fact, the purpose of doing so is to accommodate wider tires. Wider tires have a higher grip, in the sport of racing high grip requirements, be able to get more grip means that the vehicle speed is higher, to win the chance to also increase. Some said widening tires do not like it, why throw wide fender? , Racing also need to take into account race cases, many races provisions racing tires can not be beyond the wheel arches, but Yun Xu Yizi board out throwing wide, throwing wide body can only do so in order to cater to the Regulations, before they can change into the wider tires. Of course, in addition to the requirements of the Regulations, throwing wide body Another advantage is that the aerodynamics, the reasonable thrown wide fender if it can enhance its aerodynamic design, make the vehicle more stable at high speed.

Front wheel itself has rarely thrown wide, but still not enough, also need to continue to look outward, we see that line? That is the positioning line should be original fender resection.

Side front wheel has been removed, and the remake, compared to the original throw wide the point can not be exaggerated throwing wide the main reason is that the front wheel but also on the steering and drive, so there will be some limits on the position.

The time of the shooting, the rear wheel thrown wide engineering just in construction technicians are cardboard skin depicts throwing wide the corresponding shape, produce abrasive.  

