
Volkswagen Group under the seat brand deep Hong Kong International Motor Show debut

Between June 7, 2012 and 12, 2012 ( Sixteenth ) Shenzhen - Hongkong - Macao International Automobile Fair, in Shenzhen Exhibition Center held a grand, derived from the Volkswagen Group's seat brand exhibitors, Southern China consumers of imported three high performance sports car city - cannon LEON CUPRA, LEON FR+ and LEON FR.

As the Chinese car market personalized consumption of swift and violent development, high performance sports cars have been more and more young consumers. In the European market, LEON models have been converted fans love. The introduction of the first China is known as "the cannon " LEON:LEON CUPRA, LEON FR+ and LEON FR. There are two different powertrain, three different configuration level products in March this year in the Chinese market.
LEON interior layout, with " for the track " appellation perfect matching -- parcel strong leather racing cylinder type seat, the multi-function steering wheel and a pure racing car dashboard will make your blood pumping, could not help but ruthless stepped on the accelerator, speeding up.
In terms of security, vehicle import LEON to provide consumers with a reliable guarantee, abide by the Volkswagen Group strictly quality controlled standard -- high rigid body, laser welding technology, with imports of A-level car brake force in the best brake disc, including the standard 8 airbags and other rich security configuration.

