
The edge of the tire, in GM Tech 2 addition to the basic information about tire GM Tech 2 specifications

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The edge of the tire, in
GM Tech 2 addition to the basic information about tire specifications, some additional information, and how much you understand it? 02437: E4 is the Common Market of the European economy, the Netherlands (Type) E - MARK certification logo.

This flag indicates the tire quality in line with the common market of the European Economic certification can be freely used. Certificate Number 02437 said this tire.

DOT UYZT ABC 3402: DOT-Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Transportation certification mark.


U.S. Motor Vehicle Safety Standard regulations: in order to be able to understand the basic performance of the products consumers buy tires, the performance of the tire (wear, braking, heat) marked on the tire on a hierarchical form.

TREAD WEAR (tread wear), i.e., the abrasion resistance of the tire, it represents the level of the wear life of the tire. The subsequent Arabic numerals tire reached tread wear mileage before the alarm signal safe driving. 100 represents about 10000KM, 480 represents the abrasion of the tire capacity of approximately 48000KM larger the value, the longer the life of the tire, while the tire
launch x431 gx3 material will be relatively stiff, usually associated with the comfort of the tire and tire noise suppressing the generation of conflicts.

TRACTION (traction), tire grip performance, expressed the dedicated standard reference test tire grip coefficient quiz converter income. Generally divided into four levels of AA, A, B, C, AA level of grip performance.

