
Qingdao: Selling Well Lpg Price Surge Electric Appliances J2543

Last month, 15 kilograms J2543 of bottled liquefied petroleum gas for civilian Qingdao a sky-rocketing prices, has risen to 108 yuan / bottle. According to reports, a direct result of ex-factory prices continue to rise is the LPG international
Crude Prices continue to rise. The face of the growing surge in LNG prices, many people have to find a "way out", the eyes took aim at the Electric category
Home Appliances Products. Farewell, Golden Week Happy winter essential manual gripping accident cited government attaches importance to Qingdao complete wedding guide J2543 yesterday, the reporter visited five-star
Electrical Major appliance stores found such as Castle, near the appliance
Microwave ovens , Water Heater Sales of home appliances such as surge, electric home appliances become the class
Consumption Who's "new favorite."
Gas price surge, the public grievances and more business
"Gas price has risen!" Recently, members of the public Ms Wang told reporters reflect Castle J2543 15 kilograms of bottled gas price from the beginning of the 98 yuan / bottle near her home now filling point has risen to 108 yuan / bottle. Ms. Wang complained that the general public as they like to use about a bottle of liquefied gas in January. From the beginning of the first 85 yuan to 98 yuan, they can afford homes, but now has broken 100 yuan, rose to 108 yuan per bottle, compared to 30 Renault code pin yuan or so before the January spend, spend an average daily dollars.
Yesterday morning, reporters visited the Castle more liquefied gas supply station found that gas prices in general have bottled up. It is understood that, from late October, Castle of LPG prices on the rise, the public price of a sky-rocketing miserable LPG, LNG suppliers have complained of price increases. Business that many people worry about prices continue to rise, so filled with liquefied gas in advance. MaxiVideo MV101 But there are some people waiting for an opportunity, or "find another way out."

