
Wine better than new wine in new Camry chassis deconstruction

Shape than the new generation Camry has made significant changes to the old models, with a more extensive product line and increase the displacement after listing quickly attracted the attention of many consumers, the younger designed to meet the public's aesthetic standardsoutside, but also increases its audience. What greater displacement, more dynamic designs Can say Mingkai US Roger Richter bottom to get rid of before consistently moderate image, and today we Speaking from the chassis together to explore what happens. The new Camry chassis structure with classic Kay Murray almost identical, but after re-brewed wine in new bottles, it may not let the new wine to par.
A new generation of Kay US-Swiss in the suspension structure and tone to teach with the ordinary version of Kay US-Swiss much difference, still significantly biased comfort tune to teach, but it will not be because the body aggravated and deliberate the suspension tune than the more soft Some, comfort with one o'clocktoughness. Overall driving feeling pretty down to earth, but, it seems that there is a trace of the impulse to want to go "wild" This is the whole new generation Camry driving feel.
Frame the first half, the new Camry uses integrated closed subframe, can provide better rigidity, so the sense of control of this generation Camry has been a qualitative leap.

 The role of the sub-frame is carrying the engine, as well as the suspension system of the swing arm part of the fixed point, the extension of the frame function.

Chassis suspension from the appearance point of view with the classic Camry and there is no big difference, but the re-setting of the suspension system, so that the new generation Camry sentence if the two vehicles in the driver's texture, which has always been conservative style of the Toyota That is a bold move. Toyota also understand, perhaps regain territory from European rivals hands, or a direct impact on the opponent's strengths, handling. The adventure of a stroke from the point of view of the author, is a success, at least you will not criticize the Camry can not give you a solid, steady sense of control.

The Buick CDC full-time active stabilization system

As the first luxury car was equipped with an active chassis stability system is the introduction of high-class car car brand, Buick CDC full-time active stabilization system has set a new benchmark peer chassis technology. Compared with the conventional automotive vehicle suspension, the system is more than 100 times by sensors throughout the chassis scans per pavement, according to the road conditions, the vehicle speed and steering angle and other factors, and automatically adjusting suspension system settings. Suspension system makes switch freely between the hard and soft, whether it is accelerating, steering, braking, or high-speed cornering, can ensure that the vehicle is stable, reached the handling and comfort of perfect unity, for solid and precise driving experience.
Control elements of variable damping shock absorbers on the Buick Regal GS.

Comfort of perfect unity, to obtain a solid and precise driving experience.

CDC system to raise the overall ride comfort, safe driving of the vehicle also has a non-negligible role. For example, when vehicles need emergency avoidance, the system can respond instantaneously effective control of body roll, making the driver more confidence, enhance driving safety. In addition, CDC system in emergency braking by adjusting the suspension damping strength, not only effectively control the body's attitude in emergency braking as much as possible to provide passengers with comfortable seating environment, but also shorten the braking distance, become safety protection lane Technology.


Spring Festival traveling by car must see - Spring Festival Zijia Raiders

Spring Festival self-driving tour Raiders
Spring Festival is coming, people want to take this opportunity to go out to walk a long time did not relax, feel the mountains and rivers of the spirit of the motherland, a taste of the customs everywhere, into the embrace of nature. Self-drive tourism has become the first choice of many people. With the car into the tens of thousands of households, since its convenient to travel by car, fast, easy, flexible, stylish, get more and more people of all ages, the car will naturally become an important partner in traveling by car. Before a long trip to check their car, good travel ready, became a top priority.
Check the car
Tires: tire wear mainly to see the change do not improvise; tire pressure, we must ensure that normal, too high, too low is very dangerous, spare tire also must maintain good!
Battery: voltage is normal, is normal electrolyte surface, battery for damage, do not underestimate it, if it does not work, your car is like a pile of scrap metal!
Light: about the steering, the distance light, brakes, front and rear fog lights, dashboard lights, map lights, door lights, they are driving your language to communicate with others at night, or your eyes, so directly related to traffic safety .
Brakes: the degree of wear of the brake pads, brake discs, good or bad, the brakes deviation, the meat, it is the key to your curried!
A variety of liquid level inspection: including oil level, the antifreeze liquid level, the liquid level of the brake fluid, power steering liquid level, gear oil level, electrolyte level, glass cleaning fluid level, lack of one can not.
Engine: this may be more professional, whether the engine is running well, the spark plug is working properly, the ignition is normal, the veteran experience to judge novice best to specializing in shop look.
Development of the "road book"
According to the map and walked clause routes friends, do a pretty good idea of ​​the location of the road conditions, diet, lodging, gas stations, etc.. This allows the required time, the road costs have a rough estimate, but also to reduce unnecessary costs, save time and fuel. In addition, on the road but also multi-party contact with the locals, such as eating, accommodation, to grasp the latest information, it is necessary to re-adjust the "road book".
The way car skills
Reasonable arrangements for the trip distance to prevent fatigue driving, keep your stamina. It is recommended that your daily mileage of highway around 300-400 km, the ordinary road about 200-300 km.
In addition, we must pay attention to the variety of operating conditions of the vehicle, do one: listening to the sound of the engine running; Second look: see monitoring instruments; three smell: the smell wires, clutch, brake pads unpleasant smell. Rest each time on the way, you should surround the car inspection lap, in order to exclude small tire, brake, steering problems.

Special sections of Note
Road: Hill Road side of the backing, and the other side is a cliff or river, the road is narrow, the corners, the cave is more limited field of vision opposite to the car is not easy to pre-discovery. You should choose the middle of the road or backing side driving, turning "deceleration, whistle, right line" the essentials to keep in mind, pay attention to the opposite to the vehicle and road conditions. Encounter dangerous sections should be parking back clear, under the premise of ensuring safety slow through the cars and car articles should also be careful not to collide with the mountain.
Across a shallow trench should drive slowly through ditches: vehicle, and diagonal cross into a cross from the ditches, coaxial another round into the ditch. Across deep ditches, the application of a block through vehicles where the drive device should start. Into the ditch should throttle the wheels quickly climbed the ditch top.
Through gullies and ravines: gully generally washed up by the water from through should select the appropriate location. Should be preceded by stop and look, and then low speed close to reach the shore, brake control wheels slowly into the valley, so that the front wheel to fall to the bottom at the same time, then accelerate to normal speed, throttle when the front wheel contact with the other side The climb up Poding.

11 "portable pro with Friends of traveling by car: top five tips to keep in mind

"October" holiday approaching, the Mid-Autumn Festival this year will also be spent in the big fake. Of the weekdays busy the riders, the holiday means driving a car, carrying pro with Friends of the family, in a vibrant landscape taste Huan grandchildren. Faced with such temptation, are you ready? And quickly take a look at the newspaper for you to send the "October" Zijia Special Report "!Driving tour before you prepare it? Please Reminder of the following five aspects of the control to do some checking, and then a pleasant road.Gather the text less troubleAlternative menu: identity card, driving license, driving license, road maintenance and purchase tax, vehicle use tax, route map, credit card, insurance single, notebook and pen, a can not.Tips: A series of relevant supporting materials with the car and the car owners, Province, traveling by car is essential, should be seriously before departure enumeration clear. B, prepare the road book, the book should have a daily itinerary, car route (via location, mileage, road characteristics, etc.), the best there via Profile attractions scenery, food and accommodation arrangements. C, prepare maps. Especially to less familiar places, prepared in advance a latest version of the map is necessary.Lee travel daily necessitiesAlternative menu: timely, clothing, hats, sunglasses, gloves, soft-soled shoes fit to drive, rain gear, lighting appliances, holding water bottles and tableware, photographic equipment, washing and other appliances.Tips: A battery before traveling check photographic equipment adequacy. B attendant brought all the luggage supplies should not have a hard shell suitcase to shipment to prevent unnecessary damage. C, Lighting utensils. In addition to the necessary rechargeable camping lantern, vaporization lights lighting with some sparklers, fluorescent ring, candles and other props to create an atmosphere of Tim fun trip.Medical supplies, just in caseAlternative menu: bandages, Band-Aids, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory drugs, sunstroke, anti-motion sickness pills, gnats syrup, etc..Tips: A, not to bring the expired drugs. B, disinfectant and gnats Potion liquid chemical drugs, should be properly disposed of to prevent leakage.Emergency spare parts Free embarrassmentOptions menu: The whole vehicle tools, spare tires, spark plugs, wires, insulation tape, wire, tow rope, spare barrels, buckets, shovel.Tips: A check car spare tire gas adequacy, preferably accompanied by a portable pump and air gauge. B, check attendant brought the car with a tow rope is solid, if found the fluff and local crack, the best time to replace, to avoid risk of use.To ample supply equipment 增驾 FunAlternate menu: change clearance, emergency device, multi-function watch, compass, communication devices, combination tool, camping gear, binoculars, mountain bike, mobile DVD, etc..Tips: A, should be more prepared to change, prepared to pay tolls, parking fees, and avoid change for trouble. B to travel by car may encounter some unexpected circumstances, it is best to carry on the emergency lights, compass, warning signs, such as. Auto rescue card to carry. C, for travel by car, mobile phone, car station communications equipment is essential. D, self-driving trips if they can prepare some camping equipment will certainly add travel fun, go hard also bring sleeping bags. E, the trunk space is large enough, can be considered with a mountain bike. G, the long-distance traveling by car is not the scenery along the way, too motorway journey becomes monotonous. Equipment, DVD video systems, adjust the monotonous journey.


European and American life: RV Fun - A sees Z

No matter what your hobbies are, there is always the life of the RV to find fun. From start to finish, from A to Z to see if the RV life fun:
   Antiquing (archaic): the weekend actively look ancient Probing way home without having to worry about;
   Baseball (baseball): Why do not you take your child to go to spring training camps?
   Camping (camping): 50 U.S. states have car camping - driving a saloon car around the United States!
   Dogs (dog): next vacation, stop the good partner of the family to stay at home;

 Exercise (exercise): RV life advocating a happy way of life, and bring your workout clothes, because many RV camps now have yoga classes, jogging workout like sports;
   Football (NFL): Follow your favorite college or professional sports team to go for their fuel away;
   Golfing (golf): driving a saloon car to participate in the golf tournament, you no longer have to put the club stuffed the box

 History (History): the history of the United States to reproduce in a family trip. Visit the the famous Memorial, learning a lot of fun;
   The Indy 500 (Indy Racing): sitting in the best seats - own room on board - to watch the game;
   Jazz festivals (jazz): There is nothing alone to enjoy the music more wonderful things. Jazz and saloon cars are a tradition of the United States;
   Kayaking (canoeing): The nation's most thrilling water kayaking. Do not have to worry about no place to put your kayaks;

Leaf peeping (autumn tour): This fall, sitting in the front seat on the taste of autumn leaves feeling;
   Mexico (Mexico): driving a saloon car to go to the southern neighbor adventure;
   Nothing (relaxed): no entertainment, no phone, no job, no pressure. Why not relax a little bit?
   Oceans (Marine): with the beach house to dream;
   Partying (party): BBQ, chat, drink, laugh, so, after the whole night;
   Quality time (quality of life): Family reunion is the reason many people choose the RV life. Drove the RV vacation is no generation gap;

Romance (romantic): quiet nights, starry skies, bonfire, there is a little wine - this world are the two of you;
   Skiing (Skiing): happy to slip on a day of snow, and then fell down to sleep in a room on board. Your ski resort hotel at your fingertips;
   Of Tailgating (before gathering): whether it is a football game, Rally, or concert, before dinner has become a new social phenomenon in the United States. Why is not room in the car held it?


The landscape is changing, but the "home" unchanged - American RV life

RV home, for some people may not be accustomed to, but they prefer for Doty and Marion Yanxi, to this day.
   This couple from California 30-45 days a year are spent the way travel. Lockers configuration on the car 40 feet long self-propelled car with a soft leather sofa, two flat-screen televisions, full of clothes, pots and pans, table lamps, bicycles, bedside stood a photos of Zhang grandson.
   We often have in trailers or motorhomes RVer, this group of people is more and more in recent years, Yancey has long been a couple.
Fluctuations in oil prices seems to RV sales does not have much impact. According to the statistics of the Touring Car Association (RVIA), the nation's sold a total of 385,000 RV (ranged priced in U.S. dollars 4000-500000). 07 the first two months of touring car sold more than 50,000 vehicles.
   Touring Car Association (RVIA) news that five consecutive years RV sales to maintain growth momentum is expected to 2010, RV ownership soared to 8.5 million, from the current 700 million.
   Yancey couple just over 60 years old, but twenty years ago, they have purchased their first one RV - a collapsible trailer C RV.
   "We drove the car the RV out six, but every time it rains," said this year has been 64-year-old Marion Yanxi. Wife Doty added: "folded RV material is canvas always leaking."

 But they are very fond of camping, so they re-bought a 19-foot-long trailer RV type B, with greater space, no longer need to worry about when it rains again suffered leaking harassment.
The children grew up, the family is getting smaller and smaller, the after buy RV increasingly large.
 "Because we have to bring something more," Marion said.
   In 2002, the husband and wife driving a 30 ft motorhomes began a 32-day trip from the western United States to Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, there are some other famous places.
   Marion said: "If we do not have the RV, I am afraid no to that remote travel.
   Often the identity of the Guardian RV travel with the the Yanxi couple went Philip Blake joked: "Of course there can not see who the scenery along the way."
   Blake drove a 39-foot motorhomes, he said: "drove the RV travel, you will enjoy along the masterpiece of God, rather than sitting on the plane Yilue."
   The landscape has been changed, but the "home" has remained the same, Doty said that is attracting their own travel.
   Open RV Travel is not only comfortable than stay in a hotel, and spend less, because you can cook in their own room in the car dining.
RV family camping to always attract the most friendly people.
   Blake said: "camping is some of the best people in the world, if you have a problem, or encounter trouble, they are always very eager to help you."
   The Yanxi couples traveling back from Florida just said, if you have a hotel can be folded up when you have the impulse to travel, it is easy to achieve.
   When California gets colder, they will go to Florida or the mountains of North Georgia; California heat up, the couple will go to Tennessee.
   Marion said: "Every day we bike, walk, this not a very healthy way of life?"


The journey new experience: driving a saloon car to travel

15 young people love to travel, with a of Ejina desert Gobi yearning driving three saloon cars, began a seven-day tour of the RV.
Living in a room in the car is not binding, fully equipped, spacious, with a sofa and bed RV can take 4-6. Lay tired and want to play when we get together to play poker a game of chess, hungry car kitchenware to cook their own food
15 young people love to travel this year, 11 during outdoor activities website green to get to know a feeling of the Ejina "Gobi desert" yearning, driving three saloon cars to carry out a period of seven days Ejina trip.
Mr. Fan is one of the participants of the event, although there have been several outdoor tourism experience, is an old "donkey", RV travel is also a new experience for him. RV travel into China does not have a few years time, everyone was very novelty of RV travel. "He said, he went to the tourist attractions, many visitors will be asked to enter the interior of the RV to visit, even when sleeping Juyanhai they saloon cars also become a place for visitors free of charge.
Recalling the seven-day journey, Mr. Fan said: "In the future I will also consider the space vehicle travel.
RV travel is not expensive
Compared with ordinary travel, RV travel and imagination expensive.
"We have 15 rented three saloon cars, plus fuel costs, tolls, meals, tickets and other expenses, each person lasts spent less than 3,000 yuan," said Mr. Fan, RV travel is relatively cheap, "After all, the province go to the cost of the hotel. "
Mr. Fan detailed calculations First Car Rental expenses, the original leasing companies first offer is 1500 yuan per vehicle per day, down to 1000 yuan a day later after the consultation, including the leasing company itself is equipped with three drivers wages. In addition, Mr. Fan additionally hired three drivers and other shelled out 3,000 yuan. "The long-distance travel, the time is tight, the need for day and night driving, for safety reasons, we hired two drivers per vehicle."
Is worth noting that Mr. Fan RV travel is not suitable for driving, "B This RV driving needs, most people can not." He suggested, if it is a short distance of travel of each vehicle a driver is enough, and long-distance travel especially day and night to be sure to hire a driver, "so you can protect our own security."
Wild sleeping in arbitrary
It is understood that a saloon car generally take 4-6 personal room equipped spacious car, also equipped with a sofa and bed.
"Living in a room in the car is not binding, on the contrary feel very comfortable," said Fan, RV unlike other car ride there will be a lot of inconvenience, tired, lying down to sleep, when we want to play together, complete tables and chairs, playing poker, chess can be hungry can stop yourself cooking, "gas in the car, course material, you have to get ready."
Interestingly, Mr. Fan where the bike RV total of four individuals, when nothing to play with "tractor", "At first, when a girl does not play, and later we train to become a master." Some of his pride .
In Mr. Fan, the biggest feature is the RV travel wild sleeping in, do not have to worry to find the hotel. "The tourist destination Ejina, where development time is relatively short, October is just 胡杨林 leaves turn yellow, the local most beautiful time of the year, the tourists hotel accommodation. Because we have RV directly camped near the tourist spots, close contact with nature. "
He recalled that, in Blackwater City around from the the Ejin far and desolate, accommodation only a few humble yurt, Blackwater City morning and dusk are particularly beautiful, RV back and forth is very inconvenient, "RV You can stay in any place you want to stay, so away from the scenic spots even closer, you can see more beautiful scenery. "
Security issues can not be ignored
Compared with Europe and the United States, our RV travel just to rise, most of the attractions are not equipped with specialized RV campsites, "in the travel process, only Juyanhai specialized RV campsites." He introduction.
In the eyes of Mr. Fan and his party of 15 people, choose the most important reason for RV travel is free convenience, you can choose any suitable or favorite place to set up camp, and do not like other travelers, eager to find Inn hotel, not good to enjoy the scenery. However, he also admitted that, taking into account the security issues in the journey process.
"We tend to choose more visitors place near the tourist spots, and if the like Heishuicheng as desolate remote areas, and encamped also consider some factors of the natural environment to avoid the accident." He said with a smile, the peer more people generally do not worry about what hazardous conditions. "Where the social order is quite good, the Ejin where Alxa League area less broad population, a lot of local coverage for the Gobi Desert, want to see the personal is not easy, so do not have much to worry about."
"If you want to select RV travel, I suggest that you bring a few tents and tires." Said Fan, generally reach the campground after having to squeeze the rest in the room in the car, you can let the ladies and children sleep in a room on board, while the men's can tent wilderness camping. Travelers for long-distance travel, it is best to bring a spare tire, like to Ejin such places will have many sections more difficult to go easy flat tire, so prepare a spare tire being prepared.
He also stressed that RV travel process, water is also an important issue, in the course of the journey to replenish water in, so as to give better play to the advantage of the RV, cook, shower such a thing will not be delayed . "

European and American RV Holiday: limited budget unlimited enjoy

Can help you eliminating the need for expensive hotel in Europe and the United States, the prevalence of such a way to travel: to show off for the children in the holiday cooking culinary journey accompanied by a beloved pet, you can feel free to adjust their travel plans, to enjoy comfortable tent with nature; This is better than other modes of travel, RV travel to promote full communication between family members.
In Europe and the United States, half of the time and money for travel and vacation. Among them, yachts, private aircraft, and RV and known as the the three leisure tool of the U.S. and Europe. Europe and the United States were accustomed to RV travel called "RVing", RV camping. Germany is the fastest growing European RV camping, RV camping has become a pillar of the economy in Germany, its total annual revenue of about 9.5 billion euros (of which: 3.6 billion euros for the dock to spend 3 billion euros for road spending, 29 million euros for vehicles and equipment). 800 million Americans in the United States, year-round live in a room in the car,9-10% of U.S. households own RV, RV household annual household up to 50 days or more. Weekends and holidays, Europe and the United States were open to RV travel, family gatherings tend to stay in one place for long, RV travel Europe and the United States were like a family vacation and leisure
RV travel and camping ground

Most of the room inside the car with a bedroom, kitchen, air conditioning, TV, VCD, refrigerator, toilet, bath, home some room on board. RV travel halfway need to stop places, pay, make electricity, campsites for RV travel these security Harbour.

Europe and the United States, almost every place will be built close to the mountains, lakes, beaches, nature reserves, RV campsites, most charming scenery. The campsite facilities, including toilet, bathroom, kitchen, restaurant, barbecue area, infirmary, flat parking area. Setting a separate parking spaces for every RV parking areas, each parking space has a separate external power supply, water diversion pipeline, outfall, cable TV and telephone jacks. The external power supply is used to guarantee the normal work of the car's air conditioner, refrigerator, cooker; external water assurance RV life, such as drinking and shower water; sewage interface RV sewage waste pooled into the sewage system in the camp as a whole.


The new version of Traffic Accident Liability graphic content glance

The new version of Traffic Accident Liability illustration, at a glance, novice veteran needs to learn Oh

New version of Traffic Accident Liability Figure dimensional cartoon version, at a glance, we come to learn it!

Driving rain pay attention to decelerate slowly safest

The bikers small states: summer, rainy days more and more frequent. Although cool, but for such a novice like me, the sight is not good, not easy to control the speed, out there on the road from time to time puddle rainy day drive into a dilemma, what Will driving rain particular about how freely walk through the rain?

Answer: First of all, should be kept straight and low speed driving in the rain. Especially at high speed, the speed of the best control in the 30km / h, and maintain safe distance from the vehicle and the vehicle in front, not to swim with the big trucks. Driving in heavy rain situations, to try to maintain a certain distance from the vehicle in front, not too close with the car, not to frequent overtaking. Especially beyond the large vehicles, carts splashes make car drivers within a few seconds to see the situation unclear cars, so it is prone to accidents. DO NOT try to change lanes, not to the steering wheel too hard, the brakes should slow turning. If it is a front wheel sideslip, should be the direction toward the opposite direction of the sliding rotation; if the rear wheel sliding, to the direction toward the sliding side of rotation must not hit the opposite direction. At the same time, to maintain the normal work of the wiper, always maintain a clear field of vision.

n addition, due to the the rainy car's braking distance will be longer, so driving should keep a safe distance. If you need to stop, slow down as much as possible in advance about 100 meters slow brakes, so back to the car enough emergency preparedness time, to avoid collision or rear-end collision due to brake too abruptly caused. See water on the flash, or immediately hit the brakes to slow down, these two methods are very dangerous.

In addition, the rainy day in the city, motorists need to pay careful attention to pedestrians on the road. Pedestrian on a rainy day after the umbrella, raincoat, vision, hearing will be to a certain extent, the viewer is not aware accident occurs. Encounter pedestrians should slow down in advance, and more whistle patience avoidance. When driving at night in the rain, the ground due to stagnant water will reflect light properly transform distance lighting help to detect obstacles.


Automotive wading correct driving methods: do not shift, and non-oil revenues

The rainy season, stagnant water sections, wading the driving became inevitable things will inevitably encounter while driving.Some drivers and friends because of wading driving, I do not know how to properly operate the vehicle, and cars can not cause serious fault by hydrocephalus lot and. In view of this situation, we ask the experts.

Encounter puddles should be carefully observed

First of all, you should slow down or stop and look. As long as the water level reached two-thirds of the bumper or tire, wading traveling have a certain degree of risk, should try to bypass, do not force our way through. Through standing water, excessive speed will increase the car actually over the water depth, rainwater easily into the cab from the engine compartment or chassis. Finally, it should also be noted that the avoid sea travel carts reverse.

Does not shift, wading and non-oil revenues

In addition to maintaining a lower speed when wading car as much as possible does not stop, does not shift, the throttle is not recycled, and do not accelerate. Should be uniform through low gear in high throttle.

Water flameout Never again start

The car in the water, flame, must start immediately and measures should be taken as soon as possible to the car onto the stagnant water less safe location carefully check. If the engine is the influent very serious, the water through the air filter from the intake valve into the intake manifold into the cylinder. Do not try to start the engine, or is likely to cause the engine crankshaft, connecting rods and other important parts of deformation, resulting in the car engine shake, even broken parts. At this point, only the neutral gear trailer into the repair shop cleanup.

In addition to water after wading brake pads

After wading the car, it should be immediately removed water brake pads, drum brake brake car, otherwise the vehicle after wading lose braking, resulting in serious danger or accident. The specific operation: low speed and at the same time to step on the gas and brakes, can not kick the dual purpose of human multiple brakes, speed limits must be slow. Repeatedly, brake drums and brake pads friction generates heat evaporation draining moisture.

How to save themselves after the distress of the automobile water mind to be calm

7.21 on Saturday, Beijing suffered a heavy rainfall in the 61 years since the Beijing urban area is a vast expanse of water, traffic almost to a standstill. Up to now, a total of 37 people were killed in this heavy rainfall, which a driver was trapped inside the vehicle were killed. Ruthless act of God, in the face of such sudden danger, how to deal with, how to preserve their own safety, have the necessary self knowledge is particularly important. Today we come together to explore how to save themselves after the distress of the car the water, life can not be repeated, do not let the recurrence of this tragedy.
 The vehicle water escape self Raiders levelheaded can save lives

First, quick to choose, to act decisively

The general rainfall when storms hit in a very short period of time, a sudden increase in lower-lying areas will soon form a large number of water. If you drive on the road, drivers to do is to quickly make a judgment, calm observation of the surrounding terrain, possible vehicle to a height flameout waiting for. However, in the lower-lying, and is not able to quickly move vehicles, then do not hesitate to immediately pull over vehicles flameout to get off, to leave the danger zone.