
Category 5 wear crack how to dispose of

Automobile tires, including the spare tire, must be regular monthly checks. Check to observe the surface of the tire for cracks or scratches. Best to wear gloves out into the inside of the tire, check suspicious traces. As long as the discovery slightest suspicious of points to the dealers to immediately call for detailed examination. Faulty tires not bear to throw. If it is found that the surface of the tire wear is not normal, you should not expect that the problem might wheel toe adjust, to go to repair.

Outside edge wear

If the cis traveling direction of observation, in the outer edges of the tire, have greater wear and tear, the tires often in underinflated state, i.e., the pressure is not enough. Possible, according to the "highway" standard inflatable than normal standard extra 30,000 Pa. Notified underinflated tire is not conducive to the running of a rainy day, and will be significantly weakened grip.

Convex and corrugated wear

Was found on both sides of the tires touch the ground part of the convex wear and tire surrounding was corrugated wear more serious car shock absorbers, bearings and spherical coupling component wear. Before replacement tires, check suspension system wear and replace worn parts. Otherwise, even if the replacement tires will not help.

3. Surface wear uniform

Tires once the pattern has been grinding dry tires reached the end of its life and must be replaced. In addition, the pattern there distraction effect of surface water, and therefore to keep the car on the ground of an important part. If wear has reached the standard depth of the tire tread (typically 1.6 mm, the width is greater than 175 mm in the tire, compared to 2 mm), it is necessary to replace.

