
How to save themselves after the distress of the automobile water mind to be calm

7.21 on Saturday, Beijing suffered a heavy rainfall in the 61 years since the Beijing urban area is a vast expanse of water, traffic almost to a standstill. Up to now, a total of 37 people were killed in this heavy rainfall, which a driver was trapped inside the vehicle were killed. Ruthless act of God, in the face of such sudden danger, how to deal with, how to preserve their own safety, have the necessary self knowledge is particularly important. Today we come together to explore how to save themselves after the distress of the car the water, life can not be repeated, do not let the recurrence of this tragedy.
 The vehicle water escape self Raiders levelheaded can save lives

First, quick to choose, to act decisively

The general rainfall when storms hit in a very short period of time, a sudden increase in lower-lying areas will soon form a large number of water. If you drive on the road, drivers to do is to quickly make a judgment, calm observation of the surrounding terrain, possible vehicle to a height flameout waiting for. However, in the lower-lying, and is not able to quickly move vehicles, then do not hesitate to immediately pull over vehicles flameout to get off, to leave the danger zone.

