
The windshield fog court disaster experts to teach prevention coup

The the windshield fog has been a headache for owners of the fall and winter, not careful it could be the killer of the carriageway.
Do not reach out and wipe the fog driving
Before, get the license soon million driving his private car, braved cold rain in the middle of the night to send a girlfriend home. Cold car warm outside the car, the front windshield covered with a layer of fog. See in front of what do not know, a million would while driving, a series of hand to wipe the glass. Carriageway north to south along Zhongshan North Road, Nanjing nearby car mist, a million is still driving at 50 kilometers per hour. Suddenly, he thought he saw a motorcycle in front of riding. Two vehicles just sixty-seven m apart, he stepped emergency brake, the results lead to a serious car accident.
Experts suggest: novice car in autumn and winter, we must be careful and pay attention to the accumulation of experience to deal with bad weather. Windshield covered with mist, can adjust the car air conditioning vent heater aligned windshield blowing a will. Hand to wipe the glass should be parked in place does not affect traffic, but not while wiping edge open.
The owner found that the the fog impact of the line of sight, never to hand or casually wipe the windshield with a rag. In addition, the car in the morning found a thin layer of ice on the windshield, do not bother and let themselves ablation, because this layer of thin ice will affect sight. Clear the way, and also let the warm air blowing into the windshield a few minutes to be ice into water, wipe clean with a cloth, and then drive to the road. Although such a bit of time, but, after all, do the security worries.
Effective preventive measures
The autumn and winter seasons, more rainfall, air humidity windshield prone to fog and frost affecting sight, poses a potential threat to traffic safety, so the driver can not be taken lightly. Here are several methods of prevention windshield frost owners who wish to try:
1, the temperature of the engine, open the heaters, the temporary closure of other duct, centralized wind blowing straight glass surface, quickly disperse the frosting.
2, turn on the air conditioning, adjust the temperature inside the vehicle, eliminating the car fog, the rapid melting of glass frosting.
3, in the windshield rubbed thin layer of glycerine or alcohol can be in a short time to prevent the glass surface frost.
4, tableware detergent dissolved in water, and then clean cloth painting the inside of the windshield, there will be a lot of bubbles, just wait a while, the foam will go away and stay in the glass detergent film will keep the frost glass within 2 hours. , Then wipe clean with a damp cloth to wipe the liquid film on the glass can be car temperature.
5, if the windshield condensation fog frost should stop scrape frost, wipe with a dry towel. Avoid driving or while driving wipe reluctantly, to ensure road safety.
With detergent mixed at a ratio of 1:10 with clean water into the sprayer and sprayed with a thin layer of a car window, to be dry over a period of time effective to prevent fogging.

