
Spring Festival traveling by car must see - Spring Festival Zijia Raiders

Spring Festival self-driving tour Raiders
Spring Festival is coming, people want to take this opportunity to go out to walk a long time did not relax, feel the mountains and rivers of the spirit of the motherland, a taste of the customs everywhere, into the embrace of nature. Self-drive tourism has become the first choice of many people. With the car into the tens of thousands of households, since its convenient to travel by car, fast, easy, flexible, stylish, get more and more people of all ages, the car will naturally become an important partner in traveling by car. Before a long trip to check their car, good travel ready, became a top priority.
Check the car
Tires: tire wear mainly to see the change do not improvise; tire pressure, we must ensure that normal, too high, too low is very dangerous, spare tire also must maintain good!
Battery: voltage is normal, is normal electrolyte surface, battery for damage, do not underestimate it, if it does not work, your car is like a pile of scrap metal!
Light: about the steering, the distance light, brakes, front and rear fog lights, dashboard lights, map lights, door lights, they are driving your language to communicate with others at night, or your eyes, so directly related to traffic safety .
Brakes: the degree of wear of the brake pads, brake discs, good or bad, the brakes deviation, the meat, it is the key to your curried!
A variety of liquid level inspection: including oil level, the antifreeze liquid level, the liquid level of the brake fluid, power steering liquid level, gear oil level, electrolyte level, glass cleaning fluid level, lack of one can not.
Engine: this may be more professional, whether the engine is running well, the spark plug is working properly, the ignition is normal, the veteran experience to judge novice best to specializing in shop look.
Development of the "road book"
According to the map and walked clause routes friends, do a pretty good idea of ​​the location of the road conditions, diet, lodging, gas stations, etc.. This allows the required time, the road costs have a rough estimate, but also to reduce unnecessary costs, save time and fuel. In addition, on the road but also multi-party contact with the locals, such as eating, accommodation, to grasp the latest information, it is necessary to re-adjust the "road book".
The way car skills
Reasonable arrangements for the trip distance to prevent fatigue driving, keep your stamina. It is recommended that your daily mileage of highway around 300-400 km, the ordinary road about 200-300 km.
In addition, we must pay attention to the variety of operating conditions of the vehicle, do one: listening to the sound of the engine running; Second look: see monitoring instruments; three smell: the smell wires, clutch, brake pads unpleasant smell. Rest each time on the way, you should surround the car inspection lap, in order to exclude small tire, brake, steering problems.

Special sections of Note
Road: Hill Road side of the backing, and the other side is a cliff or river, the road is narrow, the corners, the cave is more limited field of vision opposite to the car is not easy to pre-discovery. You should choose the middle of the road or backing side driving, turning "deceleration, whistle, right line" the essentials to keep in mind, pay attention to the opposite to the vehicle and road conditions. Encounter dangerous sections should be parking back clear, under the premise of ensuring safety slow through the cars and car articles should also be careful not to collide with the mountain.
Across a shallow trench should drive slowly through ditches: vehicle, and diagonal cross into a cross from the ditches, coaxial another round into the ditch. Across deep ditches, the application of a block through vehicles where the drive device should start. Into the ditch should throttle the wheels quickly climbed the ditch top.
Through gullies and ravines: gully generally washed up by the water from through should select the appropriate location. Should be preceded by stop and look, and then low speed close to reach the shore, brake control wheels slowly into the valley, so that the front wheel to fall to the bottom at the same time, then accelerate to normal speed, throttle when the front wheel contact with the other side The climb up Poding.

