
11 "portable pro with Friends of traveling by car: top five tips to keep in mind

"October" holiday approaching, the Mid-Autumn Festival this year will also be spent in the big fake. Of the weekdays busy the riders, the holiday means driving a car, carrying pro with Friends of the family, in a vibrant landscape taste Huan grandchildren. Faced with such temptation, are you ready? And quickly take a look at the newspaper for you to send the "October" Zijia Special Report "!Driving tour before you prepare it? Please Reminder of the following five aspects of the control to do some checking, and then a pleasant road.Gather the text less troubleAlternative menu: identity card, driving license, driving license, road maintenance and purchase tax, vehicle use tax, route map, credit card, insurance single, notebook and pen, a can not.Tips: A series of relevant supporting materials with the car and the car owners, Province, traveling by car is essential, should be seriously before departure enumeration clear. B, prepare the road book, the book should have a daily itinerary, car route (via location, mileage, road characteristics, etc.), the best there via Profile attractions scenery, food and accommodation arrangements. C, prepare maps. Especially to less familiar places, prepared in advance a latest version of the map is necessary.Lee travel daily necessitiesAlternative menu: timely, clothing, hats, sunglasses, gloves, soft-soled shoes fit to drive, rain gear, lighting appliances, holding water bottles and tableware, photographic equipment, washing and other appliances.Tips: A battery before traveling check photographic equipment adequacy. B attendant brought all the luggage supplies should not have a hard shell suitcase to shipment to prevent unnecessary damage. C, Lighting utensils. In addition to the necessary rechargeable camping lantern, vaporization lights lighting with some sparklers, fluorescent ring, candles and other props to create an atmosphere of Tim fun trip.Medical supplies, just in caseAlternative menu: bandages, Band-Aids, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory drugs, sunstroke, anti-motion sickness pills, gnats syrup, etc..Tips: A, not to bring the expired drugs. B, disinfectant and gnats Potion liquid chemical drugs, should be properly disposed of to prevent leakage.Emergency spare parts Free embarrassmentOptions menu: The whole vehicle tools, spare tires, spark plugs, wires, insulation tape, wire, tow rope, spare barrels, buckets, shovel.Tips: A check car spare tire gas adequacy, preferably accompanied by a portable pump and air gauge. B, check attendant brought the car with a tow rope is solid, if found the fluff and local crack, the best time to replace, to avoid risk of use.To ample supply equipment 增驾 FunAlternate menu: change clearance, emergency device, multi-function watch, compass, communication devices, combination tool, camping gear, binoculars, mountain bike, mobile DVD, etc..Tips: A, should be more prepared to change, prepared to pay tolls, parking fees, and avoid change for trouble. B to travel by car may encounter some unexpected circumstances, it is best to carry on the emergency lights, compass, warning signs, such as. Auto rescue card to carry. C, for travel by car, mobile phone, car station communications equipment is essential. D, self-driving trips if they can prepare some camping equipment will certainly add travel fun, go hard also bring sleeping bags. E, the trunk space is large enough, can be considered with a mountain bike. G, the long-distance traveling by car is not the scenery along the way, too motorway journey becomes monotonous. Equipment, DVD video systems, adjust the monotonous journey.

