
Automobile examine standard and for auto diagnostic tool's requirement obd2 scanner

Automobile diagnostic parameter standard as well as other standards, divides into four categories: national standard, industrial standard, local standard and enterprise standard. These standards all have themselves rule and principle accord to they different character. Meantime they for the auto diagnostic tool sbb key programmer, obd2 scanner or diagnostic system and auto diagnostic technique also have the different requirement.
The national standard namely is a kind standard nation formulate, marked the People's Republic of China (PRC) national standard GB symbol. The national standard general is certain industrial ministries and commissions apply for, published by CSBTS (State Bureau of Quality Technical Supervision), nationwide relevance units at all levels and individual all have to carry out and implement. Be provided with  obd2 scanner  mandatory and authority. This standard requires a high level for the diagnostic technique and auto diagnostic device and auto diagnostic tool. They must be quite accurate and then enough authority. The second is industrial standard, this standard also be called ministry standard and laid know by  obd2 scanner   Construction Ministry, implement within ministry system and industry system. General be marked People's public of China certain industrial standard also possess some mandatory and authority. Now the next one is local standard and awarded by province or city or prefecture. Implement in local wide. Can accord to the local specific situation lay down the local standard or first to make the standard superior units still not draft. Some local standard limit parameter even more strict than superior's. Auto diagnostic technology and auto diagnostic tool's requirement also possible attain national standard, so don't belittle the local standard. The lasted one speak of the enterprise standard, this standard include automobile manufacturer recommend standard, automobile transportation enterprise and automobile maintenance company inside formulate standard, examine and diagnostic device, launch x431manufacturer recommend referential standard three types.
Above mentioned standard anyone's formulation all has to consider technique and economical efficiency also think about the advance, and then do the best close the congeneric national standard. But nowadays no matter auto diagnostic technique or auto diagnostic tool (such as  Renault code pin , autocom cdp pro) all more and more accurate, we basic have no necessary to worry about which standard is beat, each one all can satisfy your basic requirement.

